The concept of “value” is not the same for everyone. But it raises some interesting discussion points, and I would like to provoke some thoughts about those points....
The Global Supply Chain Resiliency Council has named The Risk Project CEO Gary Lynch its “Resilient Supply Chain Thought Leader of the Year” recipient for 2017....
In 2008, at the height of the global recession, Hyundai Motor Company, like all other auto companies, was reeling from the sharp drop-off in vehicle sales. Fearful of losing their jobs and dismayed by the sudden plunge in the value of their homes, consumers were in no mood to consider big-ticket pur...
A few weeks have passed since the release of my new book, “Uncertainty Advantage: Leadership Lessons for Turning Risk Outside-In.” Now begins the journey of raising awareness of a true market-driven strategy, not as much for risk management as for uncertainty navigation....
On August 30, 2016, Gary Lynch presented the Uncertainty Advantage: Transforming Your Supply Chain Risk and Resiliency Strategy Into Market Advantage at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland....
Frustration and opportunity, the two reasons I pursued this topic. While business leaders try to discern the value from risk investments and activities, risk professionals are trying to understand how do things that matter most and enable the business....
Leaders navigate uncertainty, managers manage risk. “Uncertainty Advantage: Leadership Lessons for Turning Risk Outside-In” will change the way you think about risk. A must read for both growth leaders and business executives, discover how to navigate uncertainty to gain market advantage. What d...
But because no single party owns the whole supply chain process it makes it hard to establish where the risk lies and how to measure it, particularly in areas such as cyber where there are multiple layers of ownership.” — Gary Lynch, founder and CEO, The Risk Project Continue to Article on risk&...
After years of deploying high-payback but tactical Cloud solutions in areas such as Tax and Cash Management, Saugatuck research indicates the beginning of a substantial and rapid move by Finance groups to embrace Cloud for core accounting functions and operations over the next three years. This pane...