Risk Consulting & Risk Management
The Risk Project specializes in the assessment and design of risk management programs including Business Continuity, Supply Chain Resiliency, Third-Party Risk, Crisis Management, Enterprise Risk Management, Emergency Management, Disaster Recovery, Cyber Security and Data Security by tackling the executive challenge of bringing greater value to the risk investment and leveraging uncertainty for market advantage.
With decades of practical “hands” experience as industry executives, management consultants, market analysts, educators, and authors, our goal has always been the same – minimize exposure and achieve greater return on risk investment, maximize operational effectiveness when allocating risk resources and overcoming biases and behavioral challenges of designing and implementing risk programs.
Our challenge: Bringing greater value to your risk investment and leveraging uncertainty to grasp market advantage. We offer decades of practical “hands-on” experience. Our team of experts includes:
- Industry Executives
- Management Consultants
- Market Analysts
- Educators
- Authors
Our goal is unwavering: Minimize your risk exposure while achieving a greater return on your risk investment. At the same time, we strive to maximize operational effectiveness when strategically allocating precious risk resources. Among the most daunting of the risk challenge is overcoming biases and the behavioral challenges that easily impede the design and implementation of improved risk programs. We work closely with you to accomplish your goals within this framework.
Managing risk programs and preserving value is only half the equation. Value creation and growth while leveraging your investments in risk and risk programs (e.g. resiliency, continuity, supply chain, security, program management, and crisis management) are essential attributes to exploiting uncertainty, linking to profitability and maximizing operational effectiveness. We partner with you to embrace the risk challenges in the context of business value and growth, whether it be addressing industry-wide structural changes or replacing ineffective risk programs and dynamically addressing third party risk.
As part of the value-aligned risk management program, the TRP Diagnostic provides a system to assess the five critical components of an effective program in relation to four critical actions.
The five components are:
- Leadership, alignment, and commitment
- Policies, standards, and organization
- Architecture
- Awareness, education, and training
- Technology, tools, and procedures
The four critical actions are:
- Plan
- Do
- Check
- Act
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Contact TRP today to learn more about our Risk Management and Risk Consultancy Services.